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Monday 03-31-2025
If today is your birthday, you are an Aries.
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Forecast for: March 29, 2025 - April 30, 2025
Gemini (the Twins)
May 22 - June 21
This is going to be a rather positive energy cycle. You could just feel so good you want to let things happen, but this would be a waste; so what you need to do is pay close attention to details this cycle and not allow anything (dealing with making money) to slip through your fingers. You can work effectively most of this month, so use your energy to get things done and leave nothing to chance.
*** MARCH 29th – NEW MOON: IT’S WISH LIST TIME AGAIN … … . REMEMBER – PEN NOT LESS THAN 8 AND NOT NOTE THAN 10 items ON YOUR WISH LIST. … … … Tonight the New Moon will be located on the same side of planet Earth as planet Sun – but it will not be visible in the night skies … … Tonight, you’ll be able to view the beautiful galaxies and star clusters and this New Moon because there is not supposed to be interference from the moon’s light! GOOD LUCK!
*** MARCH 29th – PARTIAL SOLAR ECLIPSE: This eclipse will cover (only) part of planet Sun and will be visible in most of Eastern and Northern Russia, Greenland and will cover 93% of Canada – the Cosmic Message for your sign is this: Mirages may pop up at any time, even if you're not in the desert. Feelings and internal visions can get muddled, and emotional miscommunication, either unintended or on purpose, may get in the way. Mis-entanglements can snowball, so be ready to cut loose and try again later. Avoid long-term commitments.
*** COSMIC (%) re, TRANSIT OF VENUS, (aspects): -- Personal Relationships: --------------------- @ 95.25% -- Physical Well-being: ------------------------ @ 99.75% -- Lucky Breaks: ------------------------------- @ 75.75% -- Financial Gains: ----------------------------- @ 95.25%
*** GEMINI, your likeable trait is: RECEPTIVENESS – and this cycle- Oh, remember commitments made during this forecast cycle will tend to cause some disadvantages if you don’t keep your word; so, in your best interest, “put that obligation hat on” and do what’s right NOT what’s convenient! *** Special Emphasis: Stop-and-go feelings make headway a tough go, with breakthroughs only after a mighty push. Although it's in the air, it's not necessary -- when it's time to push, just don't. Wait, and the barrier will go away. Nevertheless, it's not an uninterrupted journey, but nothing a little patience will not see you through.
*** FAVORABLE MEDITATION HOUR (all signs): -- 04-01-2025 thru 04-15-2025 @ 9am -- 04-16-2025 thru 04-30-2025 @ 7am and again @ 6pm
*** Cosmic dates for “long term success planning”: -- 04-01-2025 thru 04-15-2025: April 14th -- 04-16-2025 thru 04-30-2025: April 22ns and 30th
*** Power Dates this 30-day forecast cycle: -- 04-01-2025 thru 04-15-2025 = April 14 16 -- 04-16-2025 thru 04-30-2025 = April 22 28 29
*** April 13th – Full Moon (Sprouting Moon): This full moon will be located on the opposite side of te ‘Earth as the Sun – some call this the Sprouting Moon or Grass Moon or Growing Moon – the Cosmic Message for your sign is: The energy to do what it takes to get what you want is easily at hand, so take a big scoop and enjoy. Effortless give and take are in the atmosphere, so seek out mutually beneficial moves and plug right in, no struggle necessary. Projects or commitments begun now will turn out joyful and eminently satisfying for all.
*** Power Numbers this forecast cycle: -- 04-01-2025 thru 04-09-2025: 1515 -- 04-10-2025 thru 04-15-2025: 2222 -- 04-16-2025 thru 04-30-2025:0426 and 32 (for all signs)
*** April 21st – Planet Mercury at Western Elongation: This morning planet Mercury reaches it’s highest point in the skies – (powerful planet aspect) and, the Cosmic Message for your sign is: Mercury transits in the 03rd House and affords several weeks of greater confusion than you'd have liked are on their way out and you can get back to what you were doing with a bit more confidence and sense of purpose. Getting road-blocks out of the way allows you to chart a surer course and feel better about what you are doing and what kind of commitments you can make and live up to. The cost of delays and uncertainties is made up for by knowing that they no longer impede and that you can now throttle up and get on some real speed.
*** Cosmic % re “strength rating” -- Effective: 04-01-2025 thru 04-15-2025: Allegiance/Loyalty: --------------------------- @ 85.25% Personal Interests: --------------------------- @ 60.00%
*** April 22nd -April 23rd – Lyrids Meteor Showers: Today's accomplishments have a confident feel where what you do matches what you feel and results down the line will move well accordingly. Contacts made now will serve you well, and you won't have to look back with suspicion or regret. If it feels right, it probably is, so put your best foot forward and follow through.
*** Cosmic % re “strength rating” -- Effective: 04-16-2025 thru 04-30-2025: Personal Growth: --------------------------------@ 85.00% Relationship Enthusiasm: -------------------------@ 75.75%
*** April 27th – New Moon: Remember create your list of not more than 8 or 10 requests)! GOOD LUCK! ---------- On tonight the Moon will be located on the same side of the Earth as the Sun – (the Moon will not be visible in the night skies) - this is the date for all signs of the Zodiac to do a “WISH LIST” --- “PEN YOUR WISH LISTING and believe your requirements will come true!
***CHECK THIS WEBSITE FOR ADDITIONAL MESSAGES: - World Events = www.venusbyevelyn.com/world events - Point of View = www.venusbyevelyn.com/point of view - Passage ==== www.venusbyevelyn.com/passage - Horoscopes == www.venusbyevelyn.com/horoscopes - Annual Astro == www.venusbyevelyn.com/annualastro
*** MONTHLY HOROSCOPE POSTINGS - This horoscope posting for each zodiacal sign is based “specifically” on new planetary effects for the time period specified for this particular posting. Also, a close look at slower moving “outer planets” around each zodiacal sign is taken into consideration in order to give you accuracy for this forecast cycle … … new planet aspects re the transit of “inner planets” and transit of the “toggling Moon phases” … … re its aspects for each zodiacal sign are also given special notation for accurate interpretation.
*** *** NEXT POSTING DATE IS: May 1st 2025
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