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Point of View is a must-read forecast! Evelyn gives her analysis of astronomical and astrological aspects in terms of retrograde-transit or planet-stay and how the forces of nature can illuminate all stages of an individual's mental, physical and spiritual growth. Such informative interpretation of planetary-movements allows the awakening of the consciousness toward a path of enlightment for the individual. Additionally, the PREDICTION information explains detailed effects of specific planetary transits. Also, the PREDICTION further explains when occurrences become evident during the planet-movement and planet-aspect. Evelyn firmly believes the solar system, which is a force of nature, does have an effect on all live beings including circumstances during the transit of planets.

Here's this cycle's Point of View:
Rider of a Pale Horse and Rider of a Black Horse
*** OPENING – There is a strong need for silent meditations and all individuals need to get in touch with their inner-spirit because planet Earth is troubled and men are equally troubled. You will witness severe chastisement taking hold over the land bringing unheard of (natural) disasters beginning 22 March 2023 thru mid-night December 31, 2027.

KEEP IN MIND THIS IS JUST THE BEGINNING OF chastisements coming from NATURAL disasters .. … these natural causes are simply WAKE UP calls … … there’s no need to feel bad after a natural disaster because this is something you have no control over … these actions shall occur at the hand of a Higher Power. Therefore, it’s “no-no-no” you can’t explain natures’ actions and you cannot mentally relax because a Higher Power initiates his will (on earth) towards the Just as well as the Unjust. Now more than ever, your life-compensations require “duty”. Example is: currently we are living in times where prayers, silent meditations and quiet moments are obligatory. Nothing is more important than your prayer-time.
*** THE RIDER OF A PALE HORSE – 2023 thru 2027
SCRIPTURE, Revelation Chapter 6 Verse 8
And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.

*** THE RIDER OF A BLACK HORSE – 2023 thru 2028
SCRIPTURE, Revelation Chapter 6 Verse 5
And when He opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature saying, Come. And I saw, and behold, a black horse; and he who sits on it had a balance in his hand. And I heard as it were a voice in the midst of the four living creatures saying: A phoenix of wheat for a denarius and three phoenixes of barley for a denarius; and do not harm the oil and the wine."
*** Yr. 2023 thru Yr. 2027 “THE PALE HORSE RIDE CONTINUES:
With the transit of planet Saturn effective March 22nd 2023 through December 31, 2027 there will be adverse situations for people occurring around the world. These adverse situations will show the world the true meaning of KARMA as the Pale Horse continues his ride. We are currently living in the path of a surmountable number of deaths. The Holy Book of Scripture reminds us of what occurrences can take place on this vast Earth. We read with the understanding that the path the Rider of a Pale Horse takes brings destruction and death is fact.

*** ECLIPSES ACROSS AMERICA 2023 AND 2024 thru 2027 - Across American on the 14th of October 2023 there is an Annul Solar Eclipse and the Sun’s face will remain visible the duration of this eclipse. And, on the 8th of April 2024 there will be a Total Solar Eclipse for about 4 minutes where the toggled Moon stands still in front of the Sun.

***SET-BACKS - October 14, 2023 and April 8, 2024 two “eclipses across the USA” (in my opinion) will place into existence an overwhelming number of unexpected changes. Such changes will occur as new planet alignments takes hold coupled with their positions in each of the 4 elements. The elements are Air; Water; Fire; and, Earth. So, beginning March 21st - 22nd Spring Ingress year 2023 as the Rider of a Black Horse begins moving across the land in the form of natural disaster, I believe this becomes a time when you will witness those politicians begin passing “more” mores that are no good for all citizens. But these kinds of actions always brings “karma”. As such, watch nature … watch strange weather conditions come about bringing higher than normal heat temperatures, uncontrollable wild-fires; devastating mud-slides; drenching rainfalls; unusual wind gust; extreme snowfalls; and, many other unusual occurrences … … this is nature – so we don’t know how or what direction karma takes … but one thing for sure “it arrives”. So, politicians just do what is good for all! There’s enough devastation caused … and we do not know why. … But it causes set-backs when it arrives (without notice) … The forces of nature will unfold!

*** SET-BACKS -vs- WOMEN - The September 2006 Autumnal Equinox set in motion a wave of demise and ruin … … As year 2023 unfolds which is 17 years form year 2006 the planet Pluto and planet Saturn transits will bring about beginning with unusual noticeable situations taking place that have much to do with women. Women, watch late night hours because News and other news outlets have been sporadically mentioning “women are coming-up missing”. One important note is women please be sure those doors/windows are locked [secure] while you sleep; if there’s a knock on the door unexpectedly … know who to open the door for; cease riding with strangers … know who you are riding alone with; know your “true” friends because something is amiss in the land. This 2023 planet Uranus in Taurus transit shall afford dire fore-warning-needs for women.

***NOTICEABLE ISSUES FACING WOMEN - The element Earth is beginning to claim (back) that which it owns. Too many girls and women are in the news for being molested; too many girls and women are reported as showing-up missing without a trace; too many young women are reported to be facing spousal abuse; and, there are just too many young adults in the News with reports of passing-away because of venereal diseases. This is a sign of something for the earth!

>>> OPINION-FREEDOM .. It is a personal issue if you are “for” or “against” abortion. That is your right either for or against and you should not be forced to be silenced. The 2022 US Supreme Court decision was to rule “against” and issue “reversal for the Birth Control Law”. It is normal sense to be able to disagree or agree without being ostracized for your belief. That’s your business! In America birth control is a national issue; as such, in 2022 the Birth Control Laws of the past were silenced.

>>> FEMALES [FERTILE] … Only the woman can produce another life and now the numbers for women are dwindling – “something is indeed wrong” … … too many girls and women housed now in prison; too many women are just plain fat just over-weight and we are reading about their health problems; and also (smoking) … … smoking is causing [in some cases] shortness-of breath and now you read a lot about lung diseases for girls and young women!

>>> POPULATION INCREASE ... Currently it has been reported human-stock (for some races, around the world) new birth stock is not being replenished!
>>> DESCENDANTS … it is noted that “young life is dwindling”.
>>> SENIOR-GENERATION … in great numbers (no all) but some senior-citizens are living with ailing-health. The US older-older generation (in large numbers) are diagnosed in unheard of numbers with dementia in year 2022. Also it was reported senior US population-numbers are dwindling vastly due to health issues with no cure yet.

And finally, lotta folks packing a sandwich … don’t see too many (so-called middle class) eating out as much! But these folks keep voting against their own interest! And your elected officials are happy that these same folks continue to vote … and these same elected officials got lotta nerve to want to steal their voters “supplement monthly checks” and the poor old folk’s social security these same politicians are talking about stopping that. – Oh well – so much for the uniformed caps, bicycles, back-packs and peace signs! (Just watch this and you will see how low-informed some folks have become) kinna sad!

*** UNWRAPPING … FOR YEARS 2023-2027–
Forecast and Predictions - The following are my Predictions and Forecasts (specifically for this 2023 thru 2027 posting. … … … (planet Uranus known as Father of Un-anticipation and planet Saturn known as The Great Teacher; planet Neptune is the Guard of Delusion. Influences of the elements and the transit of planets Mercury, Venus, Pluto and a toggling Moon have presence during this posting) As such, the following occurrences are applicable:

HIP-HOP, BLUES, ASIAN, LATINO these 4 sounds are in the air! GET USE TO IT AMERICA [hip, blues, Asian and Latin sounds are real] – The world especially America have now become a yellower and browner; mixed-cultured-nation; and, these 4 music sounds are placing more and more Rock, Hard Metal and Culture-Rock sounds are becoming less heard (in some places). …. … These four sounds will are reported to be heard loudly not only in America but the rhythm is heard around the world more and more and this may be for many-many years forward. When you travel … 1 or 2 of these “current” 4 sounds can be heard!

>>> Well take a think break … you can tell by the vote totals – you can see how people that are in need you can see how one political party complained about cluster people and the social programs and this is what they are living on.

>>> Well take a think break … some Cluster Class hate social programs until something happens to them – you know like a “tornado” sweeps your belongings away and the insurance company falters. Well guess what: Social Programs to the rescue. … guess what … it is the social program to the rescue … FEMA!

>>> Well take a think break … some people with the most need have voted in mass numbers against themselves! Instance is this: you see more people needing the dentist, wearing baggy wrinkled clothes, no haircuts – happy to be wearing a tee-shirt, cap and coat with a brand-name imprinted talking trash about social programs. They hate social program until the wind gust hits them … guess what … it is the social program to the rescue … you know … FEMA!

>>> Well take a think break … you see more people on bicycles (because they can’t afford the gas price), see more folks in walking shoes, but with a pricy famous caps; watch you will see more folks (during rush hour) packing lunches in the back-packs; they hate social program until the wind gust hits them … guess what … it’s the social program to the rescue … you know … FEMA!

>>> Well take a think break … lotta folks peddling bicycles (because they can no longer get a cab; so, your new middle class will put their wares in the backs and off they go walking (cause they can’t afford public transportation) … … ! (Just watch this and you will see how low-informed some folks have become) brained-wash to vote against their own well-being .. but … guess what … it’s the social program to the rescue … you know … SSI OR SOCIAL SECURITY!

There’s going to be new discoveries of more oil fields in Mexico, and that country will begin to show “shun” toward America (in subliminal fashions). Those US citizens living close to the Mexican/US borders are becoming more and more uncomfortable with the influx and there will be more and more disasters (on both sides) as planet Pluto continues its’ slow movement within the sign of the pale horse rider (Sagittarius). The borders are not out of control yet – watch the year 2024 June 21st summer solstice planetary changes and then watch the citizens living close to the boarders. US political leaders will soon pass strenuous laws (but I do not think that will do much good for Arizona, and Colorado because Texas and California and in the mid-west Iowa, Illinois and Wisconsin are already changed to its capacity. (Legal and Illegal)

(Brand name attire) – Well … expensive clothing for some people … that’s over. COVID (staying in the house) and company closings with mass lay-offs did a job all of its own. The pandemic that has folks staying in the house took care of expensive-wear. (Over-pricing attire is done) – Normal pricing is at hand now! Plus, you don’t need to worry about the cleaning bill for your attire – I firmly believe the label in your attire will read “doesn’t have to be washed with anything except water and will stay clean forever”! Most head of households were interested in keeping the family fed and safe. For some people beginning with year 2022 spending for expensive wear is officially over. 2024 July 15th common-sense is always meaningful but for folks meaningful sense is not always common. … During the pandemic some boutiques; apparel centers and department store branch-stores began closing in mass numbers. Many hi-end attire industries will vanish by the 2023 Summer Solstice and many of the billion-dollar attire suppliers will close their doors! (Common-sense is: will the no-buy “litmus test give cause on whether an industry undergo profound transformation”.

So many people upset with the devastation going on in their lives – it has been a roll-call for shock to so many families. (Blame it on the retrograde of planet Pluto). Shocks in terms of loss of lives, divorces, natural disasters causing loss of life-possessions. It’s just been upsetting.
*** Birth rates will begin to decline in large numbers (by race)
*** Boston, Philadelphia, and Denver will see new monuments
*** Chicago and Nebraska ... Native American monuments
*** Depopulation – these secrets likely to be revealed
*** Discrimination against LGBT elected official goes to court
*** Housing/Real Estate industry … decline in sales/more foreclosures

Also There have been so may devastating things happening in the lives of many since the retrograde transit of planet Pluto. On Saturday, October 8th 2022 planet Pluto finally ceased the “retrograde transit”. But prior to the 8th planet Pluto placed into position so many uncertainties with many destruction in its path … … there were transformations and destruction that were unheard of. Effective with the direct transit of Pluto … this planet is placing in motion upsetting situations on earth and duration goes forth to year 2023 and beyond ending with the December winter solstice – December 21-22, 2027 as such the following applies:

*** Infant abuses scheme uncovered
*** Life-threatening tactics against children continue
*** New “monuments” going up – replacing the old (Iowa)
*** Pacific Rim States – high birth rate – Asian population (+others)
*** People in vast numbers will switch banking to credit unions
*** People will move their money to local banks
*** Reparations for US-African America takes a firmer stance

“Now more than he unexpected will occur while planet Uranus in is Taurus and the slow transit of Planet Pluto takes hold for years 2023 thru 2027; the following predictions apply:
--- Alabama, Tennessee high birth count, people of color
--- Arkansas, Oklahoma, Missouri (high birth count) immigrants
--- Banking [major banking corporations] will go under
--- Decline Economy – less shoppers for clothing attire
--- Military base facility - built along the US Mexico Border
--- Missouri, Arkansas, Kansas -high birth count, people of color
--- Nebraska, Montana – birth increases, Native Americans
--- Seattle, Portland, New York, New Jersey ... new monuments
--- Social Media will be in decline (less folk using it)
--- Southern States – low count for new births (Caucasians)
--- Universal-Health-Care (not available for illegal residents)
--- Universal-Health-Care (option becomes available, all Americans)
--- Washington D.C. will see many new monuments.
--- Wells Fargo [plus 2 other companies] will be closing
--- World Population-within 10-20 yrs. “major downward growth”
--- Wyoming, Montana “unusual birth increase” Native Americans
--- Wyoming, Nebraska, -high birth count – Native Americans (Indians)

January 17, 2023 thru December 31, 2027 – Restrictions are evident when planet Saturn enters Aquarius this aspect of planet Saturn will set motion for so many unheard-of natural disasters. As days ahead of year 2023 unfolds the eclipses across America will bring into existence Chastisement via Forces of Nature. New plant changes around Aquarius and Gemini during year 2024 will introduce harsher natural disasters; but with the air element the following Predictions are applicable:
-Monaco - uncontrollable devastating fires
-Mr. Pres. Obama - health check needed (a minor scare)
-Rodrigo Duterte (President, Philippines) ousted
-New York, New Jersey, Maryland – dark – power outage

Uranus is still in Taurus until 2026 and this aspects sets motion for natural disasters. The eclipses across America in 2023, 2024 and 2026 brings into existence more chastisement via Forces of Nature. Plant changes around earth signs Virgo and Capricorn during the eclipse days indicates “unexpected conditions” as such the following applies:

-Alabama and in Mississippi whole cities destroyed by the elements air/water
-Chicago – politicians getting together (will clean up the City)
-Chicago – population increase [from Florida, New York]
-Chicago – population increase [more influx of middle class]
-Chicago – younger elected city officials [will crush gang violence]
-Chicago – younger elected city officials [increase tech population]
-Donald Trump – likely ... ... will be arrested
-Lexington and Louisville, Kentucky – massive earthquake
-London - Buckingham Palace – protest – scary occurrences
-Mt. Rushmore – eruption causing harsh earthquake
-Moving/Movers – people leaving small towns for inner-cities
-Pope – health issues – resignation not outta question
-President Biden … health issues [Kamala Harris takes charge]
-Taj Mahal, India - a scare from a crazy protester

Planet Mars takes over – The Goddess planet Venus enters fiery sun sign Leo July 7, 2023 set in motion natural disasters as the days ahead continues to unfold; and the eclipses across America in year 2023 thru the end of year 2027 brings into existence heated-chastisement as the war/fire planet Mars aspects to the fire signs Aries and Sagittarius. The up-set-conditions forces nature to rapidly to unfold; and, the following Predictions applies for the coming 4 years beginning 2023 thru the end of year 2027;

-Bernie Sanders health issues around the chest
-Caribbean Sea – troubled waters around St. Thomas
-Cruise ship – cap-sizing causing fright (no danger)
-Cruise Ship – stalls sail in the North Seas – [storm]
-DOJ - announce cell time for Donald and for 3 others
-DOJ – 8pm Breaking News [jail, indicted major politician]
-Germany – protesters and attacks
-Jimmy Carter – health issues
-Missouri, Kansas, Illinois, Iowa - power outage, get candles
-Paris, France – drenched with rain overflow
-President Joe Biden – heath issues – Kamala takes charge
-St. Thomas – minor earthquake

July 8, 2023 - Mercury enters water sign Cancer set in motion natural disasters as the days ahead continues to unfold; and the eclipses across America 2023 and 2024 thru 2027 bring into existence the chastisement from the Forces of Nature and, as such the following is applicable re new plant changes for around water signs Pisces:
-Africa (Mumbai) extreme earthquake
-Australia will see citizen uproars and riots
-Cape Code – mansions gets wiped out into the sea
-Donald Trump (goes silent) becomes quiet (for a while)
-Florida – Naples – rainfalls, winds, city gets wiped out again
-Italy re the 2024 eclipse – alarming earthquake
-Main – zip codes wiped out – whole resort part under water
-New Hampshire – under water (waterfront homes damaged)
-New Jersey – under water (again)
-Staten Island – under water – zip codes wiped out
-Trump – undergoing divorce [Melania]

Severe disasters will take hold due to police “freeway” – highway chases – the citizens will rise-up and cause laws to be passed to cease this silly death game.
*** -Japan – severe causing alarm (radiation)
*** -National Park – earthquake (damaging the animals)
*** -South Africa – large earthquake
*** -Yellowstone Park – “MORE” earthquake
citizens watch the scales, because you may soon become the fat capital of the US.

Watch for mud-slides, severe earthquakes, bridges falling, dams being disrupted, levees being broken due to flooding from tornadoes and hurricanes. L.A. you are in for a surprise – the earth will be extremely dry and the fruit crops will not flourish, the elements of the earth are troubled, the water surrounding you will push waves to record heights and your city will be the starting point for major disasters The follow forecast applies:
-Airline – major company going outta business
-American Government unites airline companies (to keep flying)
-Vaccinee – the US will start tracking folks State I.D.
-Pandemic – new virus on the rise
Major eruptions from the mountains in California – watch Long Valley closely it lies about 0.37.6-1/2 North and with the eclipses – there just might be a volcano explosion coming soon as the full moon begins its toggle during the 2023-2027 new planet transits; and, shortly thereafter, something strange and unexpected will most likely take hold such as whole zip codes being destroyed via natural disasters. [3 elements are in the path of the forces of nature and they are fire, water and air].
-India - enormous earthquake [lotta people will die]
-Middle East – overwhelming earthquake will take hold
-Moscow – extreme earthquake [lots of lives will be lost]
-New York City – huge hurricane coming
-Politician (US, well known) sick {in a coma}
-Statue of Liberty [will be under water] storm coming
-Paris, France – riots and more protest
#04) TRANSIT OF PLANET URANUS - Planet Uranus is currently nestled in the zodiac sign of Taurus AND during this planet position, I firmly believe we will see the wrath of “uncertainty” continues to take hold over the lands and touching every corner of the Universe.
-PAKISTAN – Watch after the 2023 October eclipse for another (in fact more than two) severe earthquakes to take place during the 2023-2027 cycle causing many homes and business to be buried beneath the earth.
-THE GREAT SAN ANDREAS FAULT, which runs much of the full length of the State of California is of significant concern to people that understand new transits … so … due to the concentration of over-populated areas, a vulnerable concern for planet alignments into earth signs (Taurus and Capricorn) noticeable will be populations being destroyed and homes drowned into the earth.

Earthquakes and Parched Earth will definitely take place causing many to lose their lives and the world will not be able to support those affected due to their own economic problems.
*** America – major blackout – get your candles [power-blackout]
*** American and Iran - war talks [likely attack each other]
*** Bangladesh - enormous typhoon causing lots of deaths
*** Brooklyn Bridge will fall into the water
*** Cuba - watch for a revolution to begin
*** Golden Gate Bridge - will fall into the water [many people dead]

*** -Alaska – will face tsunami conditions – wiping out zip codes
*** -Buffalo – flooding – wiping out zip codes
*** -Florida – hurricanes - wipes away [MORE PLACES] inland-Florida
*** -India – harsh flooding (tornados) -very devastating
*** -Malibu – overflowed by the ocean- swallowing the vacation houses
*** -Niagara - Severe tornadoes – so many lives involved

*** Canada in British Columbia – harsh wildfire
*** Mount St. Helens – volcano eruption/sudden explosion

*** ITALY – uproars! …. But now the unrest of the people will cause yet another scar on this nation. Uproars, marches, protest and clashes will begin more and more as cycle year 2023-2027 and beyond continues to unfold. Possible (based on the transit of slow URANUS) they will unexpectedly elect a new president if this civil unrest continues.

<<< Alabama, Tennessee -unexpected earth shatters
- Atlantic Ocean earthquakes are felt in N.Y.
-Tennessee Georgia border - a series 4 .. 4.0+ quakes
-Buffalo – unimaged earthquake
-Staten Island – earthquake then overwhelmed by water (partially wiped out)
-Iran – harsh breakup of the earth

*** WEATHER – NATURAL DISASTERS - Natural disasters will take on new harsh arrivals (without warning for Arizona, Texas, Oklahoma and Iowa) - For some mysterious reason with Uranus in the sign of /taurus – natural disasters will take a harsher hold across the lands (without warning for norther part of the state of Michigan, most of southern Wisconsin and the central part of Iowa).
The 4 elements (water air earth and fire) will continue to unfold without forewarning bringing about chastisement in the form of diseases across the land.

*** THREATENING [NATURAL] CATASTROPHES - This will be difficult to understand for people that watch everything they have destroyed by nature. And in my opinion even while nature is destroying in some locations, I fore-see the world experiencing uncertainty while planet Uranus is in Taurus (2023-2026). And also, watch for earth-shattering earthquakes on the Pacific Rim of the US; tsunamis conditions surrounding the bottom of the US map; unexpected volcano eruptions in Hawaii; hurricanes and tornados around Texas, Georgia, South
Carolina, North Carolina, Louisiana and up the eastern coast to the state of Maine. It is not out of question for the waters to wipe-away Cape Cod …. take note beginning morning of Summer Solstice 2023 thru the Winter Equinox midnight in December of 2027 and beyond!

*** THE FARM BASE – Lotta farm states that supply nations with milk and vegetables have been temperate will become much colder weather. Other states that were cold will warm-up after the Autumnal Equinox of September year 2024. Uranus the planet of uncertainty continues slow degree-movement in the zodiac sign Taurus. The agriculture-belt will be severely affected for many decades, and so many folks that do not believe in climate change will learn how to farm and till their own land when they see there’re no vegetables and no milk to feed their families … also won’t be veggies and milk at local supermarket. So get prepared to do for self!

*** ARIES - ZODIAC 2023, 2025 thru 2027
Don't let negative thinking get you down -- criticism for its own sake is a waste of time. Lack of confidence can take the wind out of your sails, so believe in yourself even when others don't. Sail straight and true through the currents of self-doubt and ignore the sometimes jealous remarks of others who would see you give up. … … … Time for quick housework to restore order, smooth operation inside and out. Re-establishment of regimen lets each path run unobstructed, snarls and tangles won't appear to begin with, so take the short, but tedious, time it takes to do it. Heightened appetites (of all sorts) are a natural this time of the month, as will be opportunities to fulfill them. Pick as you would from a smorgasbord and don't chow down too heavily – the taste is what counts, volume only slows you down. Variety is the spice, intensity the sweetness, whatever or whoever is involved.

*** TAURUS - ZODIAC 2023, 2025 thru 2027
Ardent feelings are reinforced by spirited conversation and instinctual moves that don't require forethought. Let feelings flow and they will carry you along without your having to step on the gas. Whatever comes out first is probably the most sincere, so don't double-check your reactions, just go with the gut. Health and wealth conspire to put you on the map, so tend your resources and they will tend you. Fitness and energy is as important as what's in your wallet, and that alone can give you the appearance of success. Make sure the daily routine is fine-tuned and you'll be hearing about it from admirers. An elusive fear, a shadow from a dream may creep up on you, but simply toss it off, as you're not likely to be able to pin it down. Proceed as if you were on course, and the seemingly premonitory wind will pass unfulfilled, as it was just a memory. When you encounter a stop sign, there's a reason for it. Look both ways, then proceed.

*** GEMINI - ZODIAC 2023, 2025 thru 2027
Don't let negative thinking get you down -- criticism for its own sake is a waste of time. Lack of confidence can take the wind out of your sails, so believe in yourself even when others don't. Sail straight and true through the currents of self-doubt and ignore the sometimes-jealous remarks of others who would see you give up. Time for quick housework to restore order, smooth operation inside and out. Reestablishment of regimen lets each path run unobstructed, snarls and tangles won't appear to begin with, so take the short, but tedious, time it takes to do it. Heightened appetites (of all sorts) are a natural this time of the month, as will be opportunities to fulfill them. Pick as you would from a smorgasbord and don't chow down too heavily – the taste is what counts, volume only slows you down. Variety is the spice, intensity the sweetness, whatever or whoever is involved.

*** CANCER - ZODIAC 2023, 2025 thru 2027
Ardent feelings are reinforced by spirited conversation and instinctual moves that don't require forethought. Let feelings flow and they will carry you along without your having to step on the gas. Whatever comes out first is probably the most sincere, so don't double-check your reactions, just go with the gut. Health and wealth conspire to put you on the map, so tend your resources and they will tend you. Fitness and energy is as important as what's in your wallet, and that alone can give you the appearance of success. Make sure the daily routine is fine-tuned and you'll be hearing about it from admirers.
An elusive fear, a shadow from a dream may creep up on you, but simply toss it off, as you're not likely to be able to pin it down. Proceed as if you were on course, and the seemingly premonitory wind will pass unfulfilled, as it was just a memory. When you encounter a stop sign, there's a reason for it. Look both ways, then proceed.

*** LEO - ZODIAC 2023, 2025 thru 2027
One dream at a time, small hopes compounding to become great expectations, that is the road to your pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. All-consuming fantasies have their place, but building possible dreams now can make the impossible one walk right in later. Dream a little dream, for you.... … … … Compatible forces surround you and it pays not to make waves, but welcome the help and share the wealth. Diplomacy and consideration will get you everywhere, so be on your best behavior. Small, multiple moves are favored over big leaps, they mount up and you go just as far.

*** VIRGO - ZODIAC 2023, 2025 thru 2027
Showing your feelings may not be the best thing to do right now. Keeping to yourself could save you from unwanted entanglements. Be staunch, do not stoop to complain, and you will gain the respect of all for your worldly reticence. Send requests through channels and things will flow more easily. New advancements are in store. Favor and Goodness are a surety; but, there will be a need to be more cautious with words (by not talking too much). This is a good time in your life to establish your physical stride at its best, a broad, loping run that eats up the miles of life. Pick a preferred pace that you can live up to, and your energy level will actually rise and your accomplishments blossom. Also, try where possible to always speak in firm tones. Be truthful with less verbal excuses and it becomes mandatory during years 2023 and 2025 to keep secrets. This forecast cycle there’s a force need to “leave nothing to chance” – “when in doubt be sure to have facts as proof. Wise, intuitive decisions make you fuel efficient with energy to burn because betterment will make presence.

*** LIBRA - ZODIAC 2023, 2025 thru 2027
Lots of advice, attempts to influence you can co-opt your direction, but hold your own only if you really think appropriate -- the other side might be right, and now's the time to try it out without long-term commitment. Don't expect the best of both worlds, but make sure you get your piece of each. Financial gains are possible but there’s a need to re-do the budget and initiate long-range progressive plans in order to benefit when an outta-the-blue opportunity takes hold. The spotlight is on others close to you, so be willing to play a supporting role and pass the ball on to another -- it will come back soon enough. Change is coming – so get prepared for a great opportunity! It's counter-point time in your monthly symphony -- let the other instruments fill in. Getting noticed and getting the job done may not seem to go hand in hand, as personal issues may overlap professional obligations. Please get a move on – cease procrastinating – make better decisions and ensure to follow-through with your decisions in order for life-betterment. Personal and partner issues will dominate for the moment. You can pick up on the rest later; but get a move

*** SCORPIO - ZODIAC 2023, 2025 thru 2027
Things are not as in tune as they might be, but resolution and progress are possible through mutual recognition and compromise. Impact priorities and be ready to give on small points in order to gain on the large ones. Competition can be strong, but it makes you stronger, and this is where you earn respect and trust. If you find yourself being pushed into situations that tax your limits, make sure they are worth the energy you expend. Repetitive stress injury, so to speak, is something you want to avoid, so do enough to get the job done properly and no more. The price of perfection may be dislocation elsewhere, so don't overdo it.

*** SAGITTARIUS - ZODIAC 2023, 2025 thru 2027
Resist the temptation to overdo, physically or emotionally, to the point of diminishing returns. Make sure you keep all your doctor appointments – get proper rest and take nothing for granted, (that seems unusual when it comes to your well-being). Also, good word about you comes from places you don't expect and may not even notice, but it's there nevertheless. Small compliments amass to build your position, and the more gracious you are about it, the more often they will come. What begins nearby spreads afar in time, and your reputation will proceed you.

*** CAPRICORN - ZODIAC 2023, 2025 thru 2027
Say what you feel and feel what you say -- it's easy now and you can do so with little fear of getting into trouble. Conversely, you can better understand what others are trying to tell you at the gut level, so heart-to-heart communication can flourish. Words flow and seem to have more meaning, reach further. … … … Disputes between head and heart can raise issues that consume a lot of time but don't actually resolve anything. If you can't clarify things quickly, drop the matter and move on. Resist the impulse to insist -- if it won't untwist, just cease and desist. A quick stab at digging out that extra piece of research, evidence can provide the final piece of the puzzle. Facts that are hard to find can be rooted out and put a new light on things, not only on the outside, but within.

*** AQUARIUS - ZODIAC 2023, 2025 thru 2027
If you trust your instincts, they will not fail you. Don't bet the farm, but small risks taken with confidence pay off. One success leads to another. Fortune unfolds one moment at a time, and with patience builds an edifice of felicity. You can be lucky without having to trust in luck. Don't question moments of indefinite inspiration right now, trying to pin it down will mean simply losing it altogether. Just proceed blithely onward and let it gel in its own time, enjoy and savor the feelings brought out in the process. You might want to record it or write it down, as forgetfulness can erase your vision.

*** PISCES - ZODIAC 2023, 2025 thru 2027
Sudden realization of overall requirements and dimensions can give you a better handle on what's really. Clear demands are more easily met and you know where you stand when the possible and impossible are sorted out. Limitations become clear, so they become easier to work around. … … … Sometimes you just know it's right and jump without hesitation. Right now that can put you well ahead of the game, as a good sense of what will work finds something sensible to work with. The general feeling all around is that your plan is the best one, so take advantage and move as far as you can

*** THE PALE HORSE: Natural disasters during 2023 through year 2027 will be “disrupting normal life for the so many people. Planet Jupiter is well positioned year 2023 to get the attention of man regarding natural forces taking hold. Sagittarius is the “Archer” ,is called Pale Horse Rider … … during years 2023 thru 2027 and beyond you will note predictions of The Pale Horse’s presence across the lands of many nations passing-out Warrants of Death as the forces of nature unfolds. Sign of Sagittarius is a bare-back horse-rider/Sagittarius has its’ arrow stretched toward the heavens “prepared for battle” … well this is the aspect to watch.

*** CLOSING - In my opinion “climate changes” are real. The nature-chastisements brought forth at the hand of a Power (that’s) Greater Than Man will unfold continue to unfold in manners we have never witnessed before. Prayer-time is a personal duty! You are guaranteed safety when you are under the protection of the Angels. And finally, personal Covers of Protection is only granted by a Higher Power. We should continue setting aside time for fasting and praying and we should also try to live the best we can. It’s really a necessity to ask never forget to take time for SELF. Meditate, believe your “prayers” are your banner of security and restitution as natural disasters take hold! Don’t forget to cover yourself with protection – you can do this by being sincere with your prayers. So to all – take care or yourselves, retain your glow and be blessed.
Respectfully Submitted, Evelyn H. Mack, Forecaster
Posted October 8th 2022 –
New Update Posting is not scheduled as of this date
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